Threads for Kay!
JaneJane & Peter – They still need to do something fun, like cooking classes or something! Or we could do something where they spend a day on the couch recovering after Peter gave them both food poisoning. Something light and fun, anyway!
Jane & Zander: Zander has a slight *cough* crush. He would love to take Jane out and make an extravagant showing of his wealth and connections. And afterwards when he figures out this is the dumb way to handle things with Jane, perhaps he can draw her a terrible flower in apology.
Jane & Siobhan: I have no specifics in mind, but I could see them being friends, seeing as how they’re the active women on the site! Perhaps they can work together on a charitable project or have tea or something!
GuyGuy & Peter: I’m not sure where we left these two off, but Peter does enjoy Guy’s company and he would be happy to make messes for Guy to clean up. Even if Guy wants to have a freak out and Peter does his mother hen bit trying to soothe him, I’m sure that it could make for an interesting thread!
Guy & Zander: Unfortunately, Zander would get a kick out of goading Guy, not understanding why he’s so odd and pushing in his curiosity. It would make for one terribly disastrous thread.
Guy & Siobhan: Seeing as how they both model and Siobhan is a mother figure, she’d definitely want to mother Guy a bit, if he’ll let her. Perhaps they talk at a function or do a shoot together or something!
JimJim & Peter: Peter still remembers Jim fondly from university and he would definitely enjoy talking and visiting with him, especially since he’s oblivious to the fact Jim is a criminal. However, Peter has begun to understand that not everyone is strictly legal, and it’s better for the greater good if he ignores it and actually puts the criminal element to use. This could potentially make him aware of Jim and he could possibly be under Jim’s influence. It could be something interesting to explore!
Jim & Zander: Also another bad combination. Zander would have no idea what to do with a professor, but with his absentmindedness when it comes to names, faces, and why he’s meeting people, Jim could probably play with him mercilessly...which could be fun.
Jim & Siobhan: I believe we discussed how this would be awful with how naive Siobhan is. Jim would definitely lead her down a bad road, probably another mess Hector would have to clean up. But watching how Siobhan goes along with things while Jim gets his jollies messing with her could be fun?
HectorHector & Peter: Oh, how he would intimidate the heck out of Peter. Peter would definitely not be at the top of his game around the mayor/mob boss. Perhaps we could come up with something after a little more thought. Right now, I don’t have any ideas beyond Peter thinking he’s larger than life and having nothing to say.
Hector & Zander: Haha. Zander’s still torn between three big emotions – excitement over having a brother, absolute confusion about who he’s supposed to be, and grouchiness because he doesn’t want to share his life (Mama) and Hector was ‘mean’ when they met. He’s kind of a toddler about his situation. There is lots these two could do. I could see Zander popping in and bothering him at the office, while Hector has this ‘What did I say that sounded like an invitation to visit? Go away’ attitude until Zander gets on with it.
Hector & Siobhan: Siobhan is definitely one of those people who sees the best in everyone, and since she’s never seen anything but the good side of Hector, she finds him to be wonderful. There is a ton I would love to do with these two, and we’ve talked a lot about it, so we’ll have to put our heads together to see what works for a thread!
Hope that helps!